Thursday, October 29, 2009

Innocence Lost

Rape is an ugly word, Rapist an even uglier person. To be accused of raping someone is one of the most heinous crimes to be accused of. The damage to someone’s reputation and credibility is mind boggling. What’s even worse is someone watching it happen and doing nothing. I know by now you have heard about the young men who were attending a party at Hofstra University last month that were charged with raping a woman while there It turns out these young men were tried in the media before even stepping in front of a judge. I have to admit I was thinking to myself at the time "Please don't let them be black ”. I could hear the pundits, talking heads and the internet ablaze with derogatory, degrading and downright racist rhetoric. I was Alternately happy and saddened when it was confirmed that the young lady lied on the Young men.
Much like the Duke Lacrosse case

I was happy that these young men did not commit this horrible act, but saddened that this young woman, who obviously has self esteem issues would let herself be put in this type of compromising behavior. Then I was angry at these young men that they felt this would be alright to basically run a train on a woman and have the audacity to film it (granted it was the filming that actually proved the sex was consensual) It is still an ugly incident on the part of all parties involved. I was at first in favor of having this young woman charged with reporting a false crime, being that these young men’s faces and names were plastered all over newspapers, the internet and TV. I think this woman really needs help and can only hope that she finds it. I brought up that story to talk about an incident that just happened last week a 15 year old was apparently raped and beaten for 2 ½ hours out side of a high school homecoming dance
According to police reports as many as 10 people were involved in the actual rape and beating. while as many as 20 more watched as this young woman was brutally assaulted.What does this say about a person, that would stand there and watch this happen and do nothing.

One of the victim’s friends Kamie Baker blamed school district officials for not doing enough to protect her school -- and her friend. She said none of the four officers who were at the homecoming dance was patrolling the school premises even though there were a dozen young men hanging out just a few feet from the gym entrance. She says school officials chose not to take any action "I looked outside of the gym and I saw 12 to 15 guys, sitting there, with no IDs," Baker said at the hearing. "The officers -- not only did they not check the IDs of those students or men sitting outside of our campus, but the security officers who are employed here did no ... checking either. The assistant principal looked outside and actually saw those men, and did nothing about it." What does this say about our ability to protect our children when the people hired to do just that can’t or won’t protect them. I will not rush to judgment on this case, but whoever did this to that young girl needs to be put in prison where they can see how it feels to be raped and brutally beaten for a few hours. Fake rape accusations make it harder for real victims to report sexual assaults. The problem is that both women are not through being victimized, by the system, family ,friends both schools and the memories they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...times are very sad when things such as this happens... it goes much deeper on both ends than we could possibly who watch or participate in a train consensual or not and women who lie or are actually rapped all need something... Women who have been rapped need to be heard, have the comfort in knowing there is an advocate that can talk on there be half if they cannot. Even if they are scared to talk a least have the comfort, nerve and strength to report and then the advocate can step in, women who lie need not seek attention from negative sources, need not to get revenge when something does not go how they want or for any other silly reason they can come up with, they need to seek the love, caring and understanding of God. Men who can actually rape a women on their own or in a group or watch are sick, all that goes back to how you were raised, TV, music video’s, friends, internet cannot teach a person right from wrong, truth from lies, manners, self respect and most importantly they will not know God via any of those media’s. The victims are the women who are rapped and the men falsely accused of rape, question is how do you weed through the lies to get to the people who are actually in need… liars, participators, watchers, security officers anyone who is in an authoritative position that is not on there job all need to go to jail or worse should they be found guilty…if the lie detector test can help shed light at all use them. There is too say, to many factors or people are just simply sick and lost and my heart goes out to the victims.