Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back to the Future II

“Just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in” Al Pacino said that in The Godfather III.A memorable line, in an otherwise forgettable movie. That is how I feel about our current president. It wasn’t that I had lost faith in the “Audacity of Hope” per se, just that the agenda he set was not coming to fruition as fast as we hoped. I had misgivings as I wrote about last year Back to The Future .I still feel like there is a lot for this president to accomplish, if given time. I also ,at one point felt maybe, just maybe he was like all the other politicians.All smoke and mirrors. Then he gave us The State of the Union speech last night .It was then I remembered why I voted for him in the first place. He wants to repeal “don’t ask don’t tell” in regards to Gays in the military. This was put in place during the Clinton administration, and never really made sense to me anyway. In the words of Chris Rock “if they want to fight, let em fight, I ain’t fighting”. He didn’t hit on healthcare reform that much, which has been his Achilles heel. Well that and the constant bickering from both sides about being bi-partisan, the bank bailouts and the failing economy. Here is the speech in it’s entirety .

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