Thursday, June 23, 2011

Say What!!!

I apologize to my readers for taking last week off. I needed a bit of R&R, but I'm back on my grind. Last month Lupe Fiasco stated in an interview on "What's Trending," a CBS News video segment, "In my fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama, and the United States of America ," Lupe told host Shira Lazar. "I'm trying to fight the terrorism that's actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff that the U.S. government allows to happen, and the foreign policies that we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists. And it's easy for us because it's just some oil." That made better sense than just saying "Obama is the biggest terrorist”, but here is where he starts to suffer from smart, dumb brother syndrome. He explained why he doesn't vote, saying that casting a ballot for a politician is an endorsement of everything that person does. He won't do that for any presidential candidates because "I don't want you to bomb some village in the middle of nowhere,”

In 2008 he sang a different tune, during an interview with Lupe stated when asked who he was supporting for President "I'm not voting for anybody," Lupe told SOHH. "I don't believe in voting on that level. But I want Hillary [ Clinton ] to win,” So you don't believe in US foreign policy, but you won't vote for anybody to change it? If you were to vote though, it would have been for Hillary Clinton, who was running on the "stay the course in Iraq platform”. The" I have wartime experience" Hillary? That is who you were supporting? Smart dumb brother! I honestly think that Lupe is a very intelligent, talented artist, but very hypocritical. Back in 2007 his business partner Charles Patton was sentenced to 44 years in prison after being convicted of heroin possession. Police found 13.2 pounds with a street value of $1 million in 2003. I guess urban terrorism is okay as long as it doesn't affect innocent, poor, hardworking people...Oh wait that's exactly what drugs do. Don't drop bombs on countries, but it's ok to drop drugs in the hood.

Don't come off as this man of the people trying to uplift us all, when one of your best friends is one of the biggest drug dealers in the Chicago area. You come off as an armchair revolutionary. Lupe went on the Bill O'Reilly show the other night to clarify his Obama comments. O'Reilly stated that the responsibility of the president is to protect the country and that Obama was doing that through "aggressive action" in Afghanistan . They both agreed that the death of Osama Bin Laden was a legitimate action. Lupe stated that the aim of the war in Afghanistan was to go in and find Bin Laden, which O'Reilly then stated, was an oversimplification of the war. It was actually a pretty good discussion. Lupe held his ground and didn't let Bill over talk him. I was surprised that Fox did not bring up Lupe's business partner. They usually do their homework, when trying to erroneously assassinate someone’s character. Hopefully this will help Lupe with his next album and we won't be subjected to Lasers 2.

Tracy Morgan made headlines a few weeks ago after a show he did in Nashville TN. Tracy said in his routine that if his son were gay he would "pull out a knife and stab" him, among other anti-gay statements. Kevin Rogers was in attendance at the show and he was offended by Tracy 's remarks. Mr. Rogers a gay man promptly went home after the show and hopped on Facebook to complain about the jokes. You already know how this ended, with The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation demanding an apology from Tracy . I personally don't find Tracy 's stand up funny at all, but I love him on 30 Rock. Political correctness has gone too damn far. Now comedians can't say certain jokes, because they will offend somebody at a comedy show!! Tracy Morgan apologized Tuesday to audience members in Tennessee who were offended by his remarks. This was his second time apologizing. He went on an apology tour like he was R Kelly. Last Friday he met with homeless lesbian and gay youth in New York City . People say there is so much violence against gay's and lesbians; you have to watch what you say etc. If anyone lets a joke, a sitcom or songs convince them to commit a crime against anyone else; they have bigger mental issues to deal with.

I'm tired of the Gay mafia saying they want to be treated equally, then getting offended when equal opportunity jokes are made. If you don't like the jokes, leave the show. If the song offends you, turn it off. Stop taking every little comment that you find offensive, and turning it into a crusade. We have so much going on in our country right now; that the time devoted to this issue is ridiculous. In my opinion he should not have apologized at all. Kevin Rogers (the guy who started it all) stated "A large majority of the audience did laugh and kind of cheer," he said. "I'm not sure how much of that was nervous laughter and how much was in genuine support of the words. I know at the time, to me and my partner, we felt that there was genuine support of those words." There you have it; most people thought it was funny in the context of the routine. A couple didn't and now we have the Tracy Morgan apology tour 2011. This is what we are reduced to, having to apologize for a joke by an unfunny comedian. If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. ~Noam Chomsky


ms amethyst said...

Very well written Dennis.

I'm a fan of Lupe and I heard about the terrorist comment, but I didn't know the story in depth. Thank you for the enlightment and your opinion. I guess when artists have strong opposing opinions to how "the establishment" operates, know your ish and your background BETTER be squeeky clean. Lupe should be relieved that Mr.O'Reilly didn't know his background because he surely would've tried to clown him.

I agree with you on the Tracy Morgan apology. Censored stand up?? That's why we loved Dick Gregory, Richard Pryor, Andrew Dice Clay.....just to name a few, they gave it to us straight no chaser. If you can't handle the jokes, then be out!!

art said...

Great article as always.
Regarding Tracy Morgan, its only comedy. Those that are gay, you choose that lifestyle so stop trying to make any comment about your unnatural relationships an issue.

brooksgrl1 said...

While I respect Lupe’s position and opinions (we all have them), I agree that there are inconsistencies and holes in his logic. I am glad that he expounded, somewhat, on the terrorist comment. We do not vote for the individual who is going to lead in a way that exactly reflects our beliefs and values because that person does not exist. We vote for the candidate who most closely represents what we believe in, based upon the stance they have taken on the issues. We may not agree with every decision but by not voting we, in essence, relinquish our right to speak on political positions and their outcomes.

A quick note regarding the Tracy Morgan issue… We have become overly sensitive, in the name of political correctness. We have to consider venue and context. It was a comedy show…

Thanks for catching us up.