Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ignorant Ish!!

If President Obama invokes the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling, he would "effectively be a dictator," Republican Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann said in an interview with American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry. “Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes,” Bachmann said "its Congress that does the spending. The President is prohibited to do that. If he had the power to do that he would effectively be a dictator. There would be no reason for congress to even come into Washington DC . He would be making the spending decisions. He would be making the tax decisions. Clearly that's unconstitutional.” The problem with her logic is that it's in the Constitution, so clearly it isn't unconstitutional, granted it's the 14thAmendment, but still. She also said not too long ago that "Our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery". What country is she talking about? Our founding fathers all owned slaves, some had children with slaves.

People make mistakes and have an occasional slip of the tongue, when running for the highest office in the land. She seems to have a free fall of misinformation. Now I'm not saying that you have to be a Rhodes Scholar, or a Constitutional law professor or a former head of the CIA to run for President. You do however need to be smarter than a fifth grader!! We also have Herman Cain, a nice strong named individual who is also running for the Presidency. Who has said among other things, the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro TN is “an infringement and abuse of our freedom of religion. He also said his solution to illegal immigration along the Mexican border would be to build an electrified fence that would rise 20 feet high above a moat filled with alligators. Cain also wants lawmakers to stop passing bills that are over three pages long. "Don’t try to pass a 2,700-page bill," Cain said in speech in Iowa”You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table," Cain said. Tea Party "This is with whom you want to place your faith?"

With the current debt ceiling issue that is going on right now neither of them would have a sensible solution to the matter. Just to be clear despite all the posturing and posing in Washington right now, a deal will get done. They can act like Chicken Little and scream the sky is falling, but understand it will get done. Republicans make it seem that Obama is trying to do something no other President has done. In fact every President since 1939 except Harry Truman has raised the debt ceiling. Ronald Reagan "The Gipper" raised it 18 times; even Baby Bush did it 7 times. I don't recall any doomsday proclamations. I also want to state for the record that Obama actually opposed one of those increases to the debt ceiling under George W. Bush. He also criticized Bush for a lack of leadership. I'm just saying. Now if a deal has not been done by the time you read this, you better believe it will be soon. Contrary to popular opinion though it won’t be Armageddon if we don't. We will be late on a few payments to seniors and maybe the unemployed. Not bad from a big picture standpoint, but it's gonna cost somebody next election.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shoot to kill

San Francisco police are saying a man they thought was fatally shot by officers, actually killed himself.Police thought Kenneth Harding was shot by an officer Saturday while trying to run away from a ticket violation. Thursday, authorities said they found evidence that the fatal wound on Mr. Harding was self-inflicted, .Commander Mike Bie. revealed the new theory at a news conference at the city's medical examiner's office.Kenneth Harding died Saturday after a confrontation with undercover officers .Police say when he was approached by the officer who wanted to see his ticket, Harding ran and police pursued him. During the chase, a gunbattle started and Harding was fatally wounded,Initially, authorities believed that San Francisco police shot and killed Harding during the confrontation in the city' Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood.The shooting triggered angry protests by community members, who challenged the police version of what happened.Hmm a new version,new gun , new self inflicted wound.

The medical examiner stated."The bullet which was recovered from his head is not consistent with the service ammunition used by the San Francisco Police Department," Chief Medical Examiner Amy Hart told reporters.She demonstrated her point with a photo of the bullet removed from Harding's head.It was a .380-caliber and San Francisco Police are armed with .40-caliber ammunition, Hart said Medical examiner's staff also found a second, unfired cartridge (.380-caliber) in Harding's right jacket pocket. Harding was also wounded in the leg by a round apparently fired by pursuing officers....maybe he shot himself in the leg while running .I mean he did have bullets in his pockets, but no gun ? Maybe it was the shooter on the grassy knoll,or Professor Plum in the library?

The Police Department believes that the weapon used by Harding is missing along with a cell phone and casings.When the shooting occurred, a crowd gathered challenging officers. According to police "Based upon evidence known at this time including: officer and witness statements that Harding shot at the police officers, Shot Spotter data, video tape evidence that depicts a firearm at the scene that was subsequently taken and the location of gunshot residue on Harding's right hand, it appears that Mr. Harding's head wound was self-inflicted. It is unknown if Harding's injury was intentional or accidental." check the video below and tell me what you think. I said not too long ago we are Public Enemy#1!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chedda Plax revisited!

From time to time I will be doing Blasts from the past,previous blogs dealing with issues that are still pertinent today. So with the NFL in a lockout and Plaxico Buress released from prison. I bring back one of my very first Blogs from 2009 "Chedda Plax".

Okay excuse me for wondering what the hell is going on in this world!!! My beloved Giants released their Super Bowl winning WR Cheddar Plaxico Burress, after he was indicted on weapons possession charges. Chedda Plax was subsequently sentenced to 2 years in prison. That’s right, 2 years for shooting himself in the leg with an unregistered handgun, and for attempting to conceal it in sweatpants... sweatpants... really? The point I’m trying to make is that there have been very disparate sentences in some of these cases. For instance Buffalo Bills RB Marshawn Lynch was sentenced to community service and probation
for misdemeanor gun possession after he was arrested on Feb. 11 after suburban Culver City , Calif. , police investigated a parked car without license plates and smelled marijuana when the driver rolled down the window. Lynch was in the car with another man. Officers searched the car and found a 9mm semiautomatic handgun inside a backpack in the trunk. Prosecutors said the backpack contained other items belonging to Lynch. Yet Lynch received probation.

So my question is why did Chedda Plax get the time he got, when he only hurt himself? I mean you look at Donte Stallworth who killed a man while driving drunk and high. Okay read that sentence again “He killed a man while driving drunk and high in his Bentley!!!!” He was sentenced to 30 days in jail…for killing someone!!!!! He must also perform 1,000 hours of community service and can never drive again. Okay when you drive a Bentley you can probably afford a driver, I’m just saying. My point is that justice can always be swayed, depending on who feels offended. Mayor Bloomberg came out after Chedda Plax’s arrest and said "It would be an outrage if we don't prosecute to the fullest extent of the law." Really… that’s how we are going to go after an athlete who never had a criminal record? I’m not saying Chedda Plax should not have been punished, by all means he should have been. Where do you draw the line? Is it really justice to sentence a man who shot himself to two years in prison, while sentencing another man to 30 days in jail for killing someone while driving drunk and high? I know laws and statues are different state to state but this disparity does not make any sense at all. Is it because the man Donte Stallworth killed was named Mario Reyes and could have been an immigrant? Now some say that Stallworth was being a stand up guy staying there and taking responsibility for his actions. That’s true, but the problem with this line of thinking is that, you are giving people credit for doing what they are supposed to do.

Chris Rock had a joke one time where he said “N*gga’s always want credit for things they are supposed to do” Like the guy who says I ain’t ever been to jail, you ain’t supposed to you low expectation having…” The point I’m trying to make, is that yeah Chedda Plax tried to hide the gun and acted like a complete fool the moment he shot himself and tried to cover the incident up and yeah Donte Stallworth called the police after he killed a man, and he cooperated with the police from the onset, as he should have. None of that negates the fact that he was driving while drunk and with weed in his system. Was he being a stand up guy then? Was he being responsible then? The answer is NO!! What we’ve learned from this incident, is Chedda Plax should have just gone clubbing in Miami with
a dime bag and some Patron. He could have killed a Cuban immigrant been out of jail and catching passes from Eli in time for the playoffs

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Justice or Just us?

OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony... two verdicts, two eras’, same outcome. These two trials captured our attention for obvious reasons. OJ was a sports icon who transcended race, an actor with a brilliant smile and an engaging personality. I was going to say movie star, but his most notable roles were Nordberg the accident prone cop in the Naked Gun movies and Kunta Kinte's father in Root's. Not exactly Oscar material. Casey Anthony is an attractive young white woman, who liked tattoos and partying. Two very different personalities, from different walks of life both charged with heinous crimes. OJ was tried on two counts of murder following the June, 1994 deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Casey Anthony was charged with first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter of her daughter Caylee. Both trials resulted in the acquittal of the defendants on murder charges, while also having most of America believing they got away with murder.

"If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.” Johnnie Cochran a legendary lawyer, whom if you don't do your home work would assume the OJ trial made him. You have to look deeper; Johnnie had been on the frontlines for a long time. He was one of Geronimo Pratt’s lawyers he was known as a fiery orator and skilled attorney. On the other side of the spectrum is Jose Baez. He took eight years to convince the Florida Supreme Court to let him practice law, and he'd been trying cases for only three years when the Anthony case came along. People thought he was in over his head during the trial and even called him Bozo the clown. Now they are calling him "Juani Cochran." What happens now for Baez is anybody’s guess, book deals, TV appearances and a definite up tick in clients. It will definitely bring a lot of hate and criticism, from many outraged citizens. That's fine; people can be mad and disgusted. They can call the jury names. They can say with conviction what they would have done, but its conjecture. Johnnie Cochran and Jose Baez did what they were paid to do...WIN bottom line. The jury was entrusted with a job to do ,and they did it. They did it to the best of their abilities.

I am not going to sit here and say that I believe either of them was innocent. The justice system we have is not perfect, but it worked the way it was designed. The Prosecution was not able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that OJ and Casey Anthony were guilty. Think about this, the defense does not have to prove innocence, just reasonable doubt. You know, innocent until proven guilty. Don't get mad that Casey Anthony got acquitted, (I'm talking to my people now) you damn sure were not mad when OJ was found not guilty. People can try and rationalize all they want, murder is murder. You were not mad that two people were savagely killed in Brentwood . Nicole Brown was basically decapitated, and Ron Goldman was gutted like a fish. After that Not Guilty verdict, you were dancing and singing "we won, we won". Now Casey Anthony is acquitted and everybody is grumbling “man she was white, of course she got off". Stop the hypocrisy, her daughter is dead. Nobody knows what happened on both occasions. They will have to live with their actions for the rest of their lives. Can you live with your reactions?