Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ignorant Ish!!

If President Obama invokes the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling, he would "effectively be a dictator," Republican Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann said in an interview with American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry. “Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes,” Bachmann said "its Congress that does the spending. The President is prohibited to do that. If he had the power to do that he would effectively be a dictator. There would be no reason for congress to even come into Washington DC . He would be making the spending decisions. He would be making the tax decisions. Clearly that's unconstitutional.” The problem with her logic is that it's in the Constitution, so clearly it isn't unconstitutional, granted it's the 14thAmendment, but still. She also said not too long ago that "Our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery". What country is she talking about? Our founding fathers all owned slaves, some had children with slaves.

People make mistakes and have an occasional slip of the tongue, when running for the highest office in the land. She seems to have a free fall of misinformation. Now I'm not saying that you have to be a Rhodes Scholar, or a Constitutional law professor or a former head of the CIA to run for President. You do however need to be smarter than a fifth grader!! We also have Herman Cain, a nice strong named individual who is also running for the Presidency. Who has said among other things, the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro TN is “an infringement and abuse of our freedom of religion. He also said his solution to illegal immigration along the Mexican border would be to build an electrified fence that would rise 20 feet high above a moat filled with alligators. Cain also wants lawmakers to stop passing bills that are over three pages long. "Don’t try to pass a 2,700-page bill," Cain said in speech in Iowa”You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table," Cain said. Tea Party "This is with whom you want to place your faith?"

With the current debt ceiling issue that is going on right now neither of them would have a sensible solution to the matter. Just to be clear despite all the posturing and posing in Washington right now, a deal will get done. They can act like Chicken Little and scream the sky is falling, but understand it will get done. Republicans make it seem that Obama is trying to do something no other President has done. In fact every President since 1939 except Harry Truman has raised the debt ceiling. Ronald Reagan "The Gipper" raised it 18 times; even Baby Bush did it 7 times. I don't recall any doomsday proclamations. I also want to state for the record that Obama actually opposed one of those increases to the debt ceiling under George W. Bush. He also criticized Bush for a lack of leadership. I'm just saying. Now if a deal has not been done by the time you read this, you better believe it will be soon. Contrary to popular opinion though it won’t be Armageddon if we don't. We will be late on a few payments to seniors and maybe the unemployed. Not bad from a big picture standpoint, but it's gonna cost somebody next election.

1 comment:

Anika23 said...

now I'm informed!!