Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dog Eat Dog world!!

After telling GQ magazine that he didn’t want to come to Philadelphia to be a third-string quarterback after his release from federal prison, Michael Vick clarified his remarks. Vick states he is glad he chose the Philadelphia Eagles, even if he had more attractive options. Vick resurrected his career with the Eagles. He had an amazing season last year, and started in the Pro Bowl. He said in the article that Commissioner Roger Goodell was among those who convinced him Philadelphia was the right destination. He initially said in the article “I think I can say this now, because it’s not going to hurt anybody’s feelings, and it’s the truth”. “I didn’t want to come to Philadelphia . Being the third-team quarterback is nothing to smile about. Cincinnati and Buffalo were better options.” Even though Philly ended up being a better situation for him, there are still times to keep your mouth shut and just not say anything. Stating the commissioner told him to play in Philly is basically collusion. That is neither here nor there right now anyway. That situation was not as bad as his next diarrhea of the mouth fiasco.

In the same GQ article when asked about the negative media perceptions of him Michael says
"They are writing as if everyone feels that way and have the same opinions they do. But when I go out in public, it's all positive, so that's obviously not true." The media, he implies, act as though he used to sneak into suburban yards, steal golden retrievers, and set them on fire. As if he were a lone actor, a single rampaging menace, a canine serial killer with no context, motivation, or back story. As if he is the only person in America associated with dogfighting.Now if there ever was a time to just shut up or keep your answer simple this was it.
On people not from his background understanding where he comes from

"Yeah, you got the family dog and the white picket fence, and you just think that's all there is. Some of us had to grow up in poverty-stricken urban neighborhoods, and we just had to adapt to our environment. I know that it's wrong. But people act like its some crazy thing they never heard of. They don't know.” see this is that ignorant ish that irks me. I was far from rich growing up so that is some nonsense. Honestly I have been to a few dogfights in my younger days, but I have never seen dogs electrocuted, drowned or strangled for losing. I understand that dog fighting is cultural, but we have to stop blaming everything on culture and upbringing. As long as the chains remain we are going to be shackled by our past and our inability to move beyond it.

Case in point, when the writer asked Vick if he felt people don't understand black culture, he stated "I think that's accurate.”I mean, I was just one of the ones who got exposed, and because of the position I was in, where I was in my life, it went mainstream. A lot of people got out of it after my situation, not because I went to prison but because it was sad for them to see me go through something that was so pointless, that could have been avoided.” I was one of those people that thought it was totally blown out of proportion. I did a blog a couple of years ago on the disparate sentences of NFL players. You have players who have killed people that did less time than Vick. I still feel because we are a dog loving country that he got a lot more time that he should have. I know he went to jail for running a criminal enterprise, but if you don't think killing those dogs had a major impact on his sentence, then you must believe the Tea Party is good for America and not racist. Michael Vick paid his dues and is now reaping the rewards of being an all star athlete. Now if he can learn to keep his mouth closed, the media and all his haters won't dog him out.


nikki said...

Hmmm - I have to admit - I dont follow football much -however I am familiar with the adventures of Michael Vick (who isnt) - but as Dennis so eloquently put it- perhaps he should just keep his mouth shut and just "play ball" - Kudos as always to Dennis Smith - his columns are always insiteful and a thought provoking..

Next Generation Couponing said...

I'm not much of a Micheal Vick fan but my husband is. So I would say You are right. He is a very talented athlete who needs to be very careful when he is commenting on his past. Defending it in the least could cause one of those smoldering coals to kick up! Another great article Dennis!

brooksgrl1 said...

Was Vick made an example of? Perhaps. Was he innocent? No. Any attempt to defend or justify his past behavior leaves a very bitter taste... The same is true when negative comments are made(perceived or real; past or present) about a team that gave him an opportunity to reprise his NFL career. Some things are just better left unsaid.