Sunday, October 23, 2011

new format

Hey my loyal readers, I just wanted to let you know I am going to a new format. Starting next week I will be live on Blogspot radio 3:00pm est. It's still Opinionated, but now it's Opinionated with dmsmith .This gives me a chance to interact with my people in real time. You will be able to call in ask questions ,say hello, give your opinion or just to cuss me out lol.  I will be providing links to the show . So even if you can't listen live, the shows will be archived. I will still be doing blogs occasionally, and will let you know when one is up. The topics will be the same, the attitude is the same, we are going to remain forever Opinionated!!! Remember each one teach one!!

1 comment:

sgs1564 said...

DAMMIT DENNIS!!! LOLOL How do I get to listen to you? We went to the same schools bro!!! We both named Smith!! We almost family bro!! I may be a little older than you, but I remember the Collins Brothers and the Carver parties too!! LOLOL Even though I never actually went to one!!,.......