I was not going to do an entire blog on the Presidents birth certificate controversy, but changed my mind. I will say this, in my opinion he should not have shown them the long form certificate at all. What he did was, legitimize Donald Trump of all people as a viable political rival in 2012. I don't think anybody in their right mind was going to vote for, much less take Sir Combover seriously. Now that he has basically made the President call his bluff, he is taking credit for "Having done a great service to the American people". The thing is, it doesn't matter what President Obama showed these "birthers",(I refuse to capitalize their name) they are never going to allow themselves to see logic and believe he was born in Hawaii .Now Trump wants his academic records from Occidental, and Harvard. Where will it end, with Trump wanting to speak with professors, students and cafeteria workers at those institutions?
Sharon Guthrie, the legislative director for a Texas state representative backing a bill requiring proof of citizenship for presidential ballot access, told Slate.com "What they produced today still says certificate of live birth across the top," . "We want to see a 'birth certificate.' The one that we have that says 'birth certificate' is from Mombasa , Kenya , with his footprint on it. He has still not produced an American birth certificate." Now my question to her is "where is this birth certificate of the President, and where did you get it? Do you really think if John McCain had won the election, they would have made a peep about the fact that he was born in Panama ? That would be a resounding NO! Some people are going to always question his place of birth. Emory University 's Drew Westen, author of the "The Political Brain" and an informal advisor to Obama's 2008 campaign told CNN “the birther issue will continue to be political fodder until a critical mass of Republican leaders decides it's making the GOP look foolish and hurting the party among independent voters.”
There will always be controversy surrounding presidents. There will always be fringe people who believe The Clinton's had Vince Foster killed,that baby Bush knew beforehand or even orchestrated 911 and that Lyndon Johnson had a hand in the Kennedy assassination etc. Do not forget that the media plays a hand in this. If they would not report the rubbish nobody would pay attention. I watched the major news networks yesterday FOX; MSNBC and CNN after the President released his birth certificate. They all asked the question "Will this be the end of the controversy?" They all then proceeded to say "We will be right back with our panel of experts to discuss it". Now how redundant is that? Don't be distracted by wedge issues. When people started questioning the war in Iraq , they used Gay marriage as a wedge issue. When people start to question the price of gas, the loss of jobs and homes, they reignite an issue that was only being supported by a bunch of loonies. They are afraid of the black man in office and will believe anything to discredit him…facts be damned. I leave you with this quote from our second president John Adams "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence".
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Politics as usual
Last year Roy Ashburn was arrested on DUI charges after leaving a gay nightclub near the Capitol. Ashburn a California Republican state senator who consistently voted against gay rights measures during his 14 years in statewide office, came out in an interview with KERN radio in Bakersfield, Ashburn said he felt compelled to address rumors "I am gay those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long," Ashburn told conservative talk show host Inga Barks. The 55-year-old father of four said he had tried to keep his personal life separate from his professional life until his March 3, 2010 arrest. Ashburn had voted against a number of gay rights measures, including efforts to expand anti-discrimination laws and recognize out-of-state gay marriages. In 2009, he opposed a bill to establish a day of recognition to honor slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk. Last year, he opposed a bill to establish a day of recognition to honor slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk. A group that advocates for expanded gay rights and other issues Equality California said it consistently gave Ashburn a 0 rating on its scorecard. The senator did say however that his voting record reflected how his constituents wanted him to vote. I always thought you voted on what you felt was right. I guess if your constituents want you to vote against your lifestyle and what you believe in, in the interest of political expediency and self hatred you will go along with it.
The names are running jokes now Larry Craig who was arrested in 2007 for allegedly attempting to solicit sex in a Minneapolis International Airport bathroom from an undercover officer. According to the police report, Sgt. Dave Karsnia, who was investigating allegations of illicit sexual activity in the airport men’s room, entered a bathroom stall on June 11. Craig entered the adjacent stall and then began to “send signals” to Karsnia that he wanted to engage in sexual activity. He of course resigned to "weigh his options". Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned in 2006 after questionable IM's he sent to a 16 year congressional page surfaced. Bob Allen, Florida Chairman of John McCain's presidential campaign and a Member of the House of Representatives, offered an undercover officer $20 to blow the officer. Allen was one of 21 Florida legislators to sign Gov. Jeb Bush’s friend of the court brief supporting the state’s ban on gays adopting children. 2007 Glenn Murphy Jr National Chairman of the Young Republicans, Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party, got a fellow Young Republican drunk and then spent the night at his house. The Young Republican woke up to find Murphy performing fellatio on him. Murphy was a well-paid political consultant for Republican candidates and advised them to use gay marriage as a wedge issue to paint their opponents as out of touch with traditional values.
We hear about these stories all the time. I will reiterate this is not about anyone’s sexual preference; it's about the hypocrisy in society. The same pervasive message in Hip Hop that being Gay is something to be ashamed of, even though they promote a homosexual agenda on the downlow (pun intended) is the same Hypocrisy in the church. You have affluent preachers, Bishops and pastors denigrating the sins of homosexuality, yet engaging in homosexual acts. The politicians, who we vote into office, that vote for and introduce legislation against same sex marriage,same sex benefits and gay adoptions, are no better. We have to hold them up to a different standard, they are here to represent the people and some of the people are gay. It would not be that bad if they were not so vociferous in their opposition to a gay lifestyle, yet live one. If you can't be true to yourself, how you can be true to the people who put you in office? There are a number of openly gay politicians Barny Frank, Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, Steve Gunderson to name a few. Who have been honest and mostly open about their sexual preferences. Not all of them have the same views on same sex marriages or even "don't ask don't tell', but at least they admit who they are. The problems I have are with the ones who keep it in the closet, but try to tell me about family values. Don’t think I have left out the straight politicians who also preach family values, but sleep around. That is for another blog, on another day. So until next week, I leave you with this "The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity." ~AndrĂ© Gide, 1947 Nobel Prize winner for literature
The names are running jokes now Larry Craig who was arrested in 2007 for allegedly attempting to solicit sex in a Minneapolis International Airport bathroom from an undercover officer. According to the police report, Sgt. Dave Karsnia, who was investigating allegations of illicit sexual activity in the airport men’s room, entered a bathroom stall on June 11. Craig entered the adjacent stall and then began to “send signals” to Karsnia that he wanted to engage in sexual activity. He of course resigned to "weigh his options". Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned in 2006 after questionable IM's he sent to a 16 year congressional page surfaced. Bob Allen, Florida Chairman of John McCain's presidential campaign and a Member of the House of Representatives, offered an undercover officer $20 to blow the officer. Allen was one of 21 Florida legislators to sign Gov. Jeb Bush’s friend of the court brief supporting the state’s ban on gays adopting children. 2007 Glenn Murphy Jr National Chairman of the Young Republicans, Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party, got a fellow Young Republican drunk and then spent the night at his house. The Young Republican woke up to find Murphy performing fellatio on him. Murphy was a well-paid political consultant for Republican candidates and advised them to use gay marriage as a wedge issue to paint their opponents as out of touch with traditional values.
We hear about these stories all the time. I will reiterate this is not about anyone’s sexual preference; it's about the hypocrisy in society. The same pervasive message in Hip Hop that being Gay is something to be ashamed of, even though they promote a homosexual agenda on the downlow (pun intended) is the same Hypocrisy in the church. You have affluent preachers, Bishops and pastors denigrating the sins of homosexuality, yet engaging in homosexual acts. The politicians, who we vote into office, that vote for and introduce legislation against same sex marriage,same sex benefits and gay adoptions, are no better. We have to hold them up to a different standard, they are here to represent the people and some of the people are gay. It would not be that bad if they were not so vociferous in their opposition to a gay lifestyle, yet live one. If you can't be true to yourself, how you can be true to the people who put you in office? There are a number of openly gay politicians Barny Frank, Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, Steve Gunderson to name a few. Who have been honest and mostly open about their sexual preferences. Not all of them have the same views on same sex marriages or even "don't ask don't tell', but at least they admit who they are. The problems I have are with the ones who keep it in the closet, but try to tell me about family values. Don’t think I have left out the straight politicians who also preach family values, but sleep around. That is for another blog, on another day. So until next week, I leave you with this "The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity." ~AndrĂ© Gide, 1947 Nobel Prize winner for literature
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Road to Damascus
2006 Ted Haggard resigned as National Evangelical Association president, where he had clout in Washington and condemned homosexuality on a regular basis, after Mike Jones...Who!? Mike Jones!! A male escort, not to be confused with the Houston rapper, claimed to have had drug-fueled homosexual trysts with him. Haggard placed himself on administrative leave from the 14,000-member New Life Church, which he founded in the 1980s.He was eventually fired by the Overseer Board of the church. Haggard of course denied the allegations at first, but finally admitted to masturbating, massages and methamphetamine use with Jones. Of course his role in the Christian Evangelical movement, where he was a major player with influence over an estimated 34 million members, was downplayed during the scandal by the likes of James Dobson and Pat Robertson. Also in 2006 the Rev. Paul Barnes of Grace Chapel in Douglas County CO, preached to his 2,100-member congregation about integrity and grace in the aftermath of the Ted Haggard drugs-and-gay-sex scandal. Barnes ended up joining Haggard as a fallen evangelical minister. He also preached that homosexuality was a sin but grappled with a hidden life. "I have struggled with homosexuality since I was a 5-year-old boy," Barnes said at the time in a 32- minute video to his congregation. “I can't tell you the number of nights I have cried myself to sleep, begging God to take this away." Now unlike Haggard, who had White House connections, Barnes was not a household name outside of Colorado. In a recent GQ profile, Haggard addresses the continued assumptions that he's gay, saying "I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual."How noble of you
2010 George Rekers a Christian leader who co-founded the Family Research Council with evangelist James Dobson,yes the same James Dobson from 2006 who downplayed Ted Haggard’s involvement with the evangelical Christian movement once his escapades came to light, took a ten-day European vacation with a callboy he met through RentBoy.com. He was caught in an airport with the escort by a Miami newspaper. The escort said he had met the professor of Neuro-psychiatry and Behavioral Science, on RentBoy.com (a gay escort service). Rekers didn't deny that he'd met the callboy online, but said he had hired him to help him carry his baggage. Said Rekers "I had surgery, and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." If you say so. Then we have Bishop Eddie Long ...you knew it was coming (no pun intended), a married father of four has been an outspoken opponent of gay marriage at his Mega church. His church counsels gay members to become straight. He was sued in September by four young men from his congregation for claims of sexual misconduct. The young men say he enticed them with trips to exotic locales, cars, jewelry and money. They say he targeted them after they enrolled in the Long Fellows Youth Academy, a program at the church that taught teens about sexual, physical and financial discipline. The Bishop stated he would fight the lawsuits in court, and promised in church sermons he would not let the legal troubles prevent him from doing his job. His attorney has denied the allegations on his behalf. For his part Long stated “I feel like David against Goliath, “But I got five rocks, and I haven’t thrown one yet.” The young men's attorney says she plans to subpoena records from Long that will show he traveled with the young men to New Zealand and elsewhere, which is not a crime. Long, said in documents that he often encouraged New Birth Missionary Church members to call him “daddy” and even “granddaddy,” as a sign of respect. Now I don't know about you, but the only men I have ever or will ever call daddy or granddaddy are my daddy and granddaddy. That sounds like a Pimp telling his ho how to address him. Long did admit that he sometimes shares rooms with some of his parishioners on trips. He also admitted to giving the plaintiffs gifts, he said he often provided many members of his church with financial assistance. Long became one of the nation’s most powerful church leaders over the past two decades, transforming a suburban Atlanta congregation of 150 into a powerhouse of 25,000 members that includes high-profile athletes, entertainers and politicians.
Stories like this happen everyday. People in these positions of authority who are supposed to be leaders of men, the moral backbone of the community, above reproach are being outed as wolves in sheep's clothing. The point is these men preach against homosexuality, gay marriage and a gay lifestyle in general vehemently. They use bible scripture to promote their own agenda and then live a lie. Once they are caught then all of a sudden they have a problem they have been wrestling with their entire life. The hypocrisy is appalling. I don't know how the Eddie Long saga will play out, but usually where there is smoke there is fire. My opinion, and this is "Opinionated" after all, is that it will be settled out of court with hush money, a gag order and no public admission of guilt. I just want to know why a grown man is texting pics of himself, in the bathroom wearing a tight muscle shirt and biker shorts to teenage boys? I'm just saying. This blog is not to demonize them for being gay or allegedly gay; it's about the forked tongues they speak with. The people they have influenced to hate gays or make people think they can be "cured" of who they are. They rail against same sex relationships and gay marriages based on Bible scripture, ignorance and their own self hatred. To learn more about this issue, read "Snakes in The Pulpit" by Reuben Armstrong. I will be back next week with the 3rd and final installment in this blog series entitled Homosexuality and Hypocrisy from Hip Hop to the ballot box. Remember "what's done in the dark, will always comes to light."
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Express yourself!!!
By now I'm sure you have all heard about HOT 97 DJ Mr C being arrested last week for receiving oral sex from a transvestite prostitute. With his nickname being "The Finisher", the jokes were fast and furious. Some were funny "Did the Finisher... Not finish?" Some corny "He needs to change his name to Mr Sis-Cee". The underlying message from people not in the industry was that he is finished as a successful DJ. Of coure when situations like this happen the accused follows one of the age old defenses; a)it wasn't me or b) that's not what happened and the truth will come out etc. I personally don't care about anyones sexual preference. Who you love, who you sleep with is your business. I do think people should be more discreet with how they handle their business. If that is what you like, get a room don't sit in your car in broad daylight two blocks from the Holland Tunnel. Be smart .
This is not the first time we have heard about a Hip Hop personality being caught with or supposedly looking for a transvestite prostitute. Rapper/Pastor Mase was involved in an incident in 2007,The rapper turned minister was involved in an accident in Atlanta, GA. According to the young lady involved in the accident, Mase, while making an illegal right hand turn, struck her Range Rover as she was traveling on Spring St. towards North Avenue.According to witnesses , Mase had circled the block 6 times trying to pick up a transvestite in the area. After the accident, Mase remained in his vehicle with a towel over his head. The police officer working the accident supposedly demanded several times that Mase step out of the car or roll down the window. Witnesses say that Mase remained seated in the car while it was being towed.
I will reiterate this is not about anyones sexual preference.Whether you are in a gay or straight relationship you deal with the same issues, trust, infidelity, communication etc. This is about the contradictory messages in the music. It's okay to promote videos like "Pop Champagne"
which have overtly homoerotic overtones but then to turn around and use the most deragatory lyrics you can on records is hypocritical. The most disrespectful thing you can call an MC after snitch,is gay. Based on real world statistics both of those designations are well represented in Hip Hop and the world at large. So why won't Hip Hop embrace homosexuality openly? With the new media platforms popping up everyday from social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook etc , Will we eventually see an openly gay (male) MC/producer/DJ in the near future ? There are more questions than answers this week. I am doing a Blog series on Homosexuality in our world. This is the first one ,so feedback is appreciated. I will leave you with the words of Bayard Rustin "Bigotrys birthplace is the sinister backroom of the mind where plots and schemes are hatched for the persecution and oppression of other human beings."
This is not the first time we have heard about a Hip Hop personality being caught with or supposedly looking for a transvestite prostitute. Rapper/Pastor Mase was involved in an incident in 2007,The rapper turned minister was involved in an accident in Atlanta, GA. According to the young lady involved in the accident, Mase, while making an illegal right hand turn, struck her Range Rover as she was traveling on Spring St. towards North Avenue.According to witnesses , Mase had circled the block 6 times trying to pick up a transvestite in the area. After the accident, Mase remained in his vehicle with a towel over his head. The police officer working the accident supposedly demanded several times that Mase step out of the car or roll down the window. Witnesses say that Mase remained seated in the car while it was being towed.
I will reiterate this is not about anyones sexual preference.Whether you are in a gay or straight relationship you deal with the same issues, trust, infidelity, communication etc. This is about the contradictory messages in the music. It's okay to promote videos like "Pop Champagne"
which have overtly homoerotic overtones but then to turn around and use the most deragatory lyrics you can on records is hypocritical. The most disrespectful thing you can call an MC after snitch,is gay. Based on real world statistics both of those designations are well represented in Hip Hop and the world at large. So why won't Hip Hop embrace homosexuality openly? With the new media platforms popping up everyday from social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook etc , Will we eventually see an openly gay (male) MC/producer/DJ in the near future ? There are more questions than answers this week. I am doing a Blog series on Homosexuality in our world. This is the first one ,so feedback is appreciated. I will leave you with the words of Bayard Rustin "Bigotrys birthplace is the sinister backroom of the mind where plots and schemes are hatched for the persecution and oppression of other human beings."
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