Thursday, April 7, 2011

Express yourself!!!

By now I'm sure you have all heard about HOT 97 DJ Mr C being arrested last week for receiving oral sex from a transvestite prostitute. With his nickname being "The Finisher", the jokes were fast and furious. Some were funny "Did the Finisher... Not finish?" Some corny "He needs to change his name to Mr Sis-Cee". The underlying message from people not in the industry was that he is finished as a successful DJ. Of coure when situations like this happen the accused follows one of the age old defenses; a)it wasn't me or b) that's not what happened and the truth will come out etc. I personally don't care about anyones sexual preference. Who you love, who you sleep with is your business. I do think people should be more discreet with how they handle their business. If that is what you like, get a room don't sit in your car in broad daylight two blocks from the Holland Tunnel. Be smart .
This is not the first time we have heard about a Hip Hop personality being caught with or supposedly looking for a transvestite prostitute. Rapper/Pastor Mase was involved in an incident in 2007,The rapper turned minister was involved in an accident in Atlanta, GA. According to the young lady involved in the accident, Mase, while making an illegal right hand turn, struck her Range Rover as she was traveling on Spring St. towards North Avenue.According to witnesses , Mase had circled the block 6 times trying to pick up a transvestite in the area. After the accident, Mase remained in his vehicle with a towel over his head. The police officer working the accident supposedly demanded several times that Mase step out of the car or roll down the window. Witnesses say that Mase remained seated in the car while it was being towed.
I will reiterate this is not about anyones sexual preference.Whether you are in a gay or straight relationship you deal with the same issues, trust, infidelity, communication etc. This is about the contradictory messages in the music. It's okay to promote videos like "Pop Champagne"
which have overtly homoerotic overtones but then to turn around and use the most deragatory lyrics you can on records is hypocritical. The most disrespectful thing you can call an MC after snitch,is gay. Based on real world statistics both of those designations are well represented in Hip Hop and the world at large. So why won't Hip Hop embrace homosexuality openly? With the new media platforms popping up everyday from social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook etc , Will we eventually see an openly gay (male) MC/producer/DJ in the near future ? There are more questions than answers this week. I am doing a Blog series on Homosexuality in our world. This is the first one ,so feedback is appreciated. I will leave you with the words of Bayard Rustin "Bigotrys birthplace is the sinister backroom of the mind where plots and schemes are hatched for the persecution and oppression of other human beings."

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