Thursday, April 28, 2011

Politrix are for kids

I was not going to do an entire blog on the Presidents birth certificate controversy, but changed my mind. I will say this, in my opinion he should not have shown them the long form certificate at all. What he did was, legitimize Donald Trump of all people as a viable political rival in 2012. I don't think anybody in their right mind was going to vote for, much less take Sir Combover seriously. Now that he has basically made the President call his bluff, he is taking credit for "Having done a great service to the American people". The thing is, it doesn't matter what President Obama showed these "birthers",(I refuse to capitalize their name) they are never going to allow themselves to see logic and believe he was born in Hawaii .Now Trump wants his academic records from Occidental, and Harvard. Where will it end, with Trump wanting to speak with professors, students and cafeteria workers at those institutions?

Sharon Guthrie, the legislative director for a Texas state representative backing a bill requiring proof of citizenship for presidential ballot access, told "What they produced today still says certificate of live birth across the top," . "We want to see a 'birth certificate.' The one that we have that says 'birth certificate' is from Mombasa , Kenya , with his footprint on it. He has still not produced an American birth certificate." Now my question to her is "where is this birth certificate of the President, and where did you get it? Do you really think if John McCain had won the election, they would have made a peep about the fact that he was born in Panama ? That would be a resounding NO! Some people are going to always question his place of birth. Emory University 's Drew Westen, author of the "The Political Brain" and an informal advisor to Obama's 2008 campaign told CNN “the birther issue will continue to be political fodder until a critical mass of Republican leaders decides it's making the GOP look foolish and hurting the party among independent voters.”

There will always be controversy surrounding presidents. There will always be fringe people who believe The Clinton's had Vince Foster killed,that baby Bush knew beforehand or even orchestrated 911 and that Lyndon Johnson had a hand in the Kennedy assassination etc. Do not forget that the media plays a hand in this. If they would not report the rubbish nobody would pay attention. I watched the major news networks yesterday FOX; MSNBC and CNN after the President released his birth certificate. They all asked the question "Will this be the end of the controversy?" They all then proceeded to say "We will be right back with our panel of experts to discuss it". Now how redundant is that? Don't be distracted by wedge issues. When people started questioning the war in Iraq , they used Gay marriage as a wedge issue. When people start to question the price of gas, the loss of jobs and homes, they reignite an issue that was only being supported by a bunch of loonies. They are afraid of the black man in office and will believe anything to discredit him…facts be damned. I leave you with this quote from our second president John Adams "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence".

1 comment:

Lady Di said...

Like your thinking. I think that, by President Obama finally showing these idiots his documentation, they will finally shut up. Many of the nay sayers seem to have distanced themselves from the donald. The small, but loud, critical group will always have center stage, but the document has now allowed those that were on the fence to jump, pick aside.....keep blogging DenDen!!