Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ring the Alarm!!

Obama killed Osama Bin Laden and he crushed Donald Trump. The President decimated Donald Trump so bad, that he went from first place in GOP opinion polls for the Presidency in 2012, to last place in the span of a week. President Obama's approval rating has hit its highest point in two years, 60 per cent. More than half of Americans now say he deserves to be re-elected, according to an Associated Press poll just taken. Since the President is riding high right now, it would not be normal politics if everything ran smoothly. The Republicans are now trying to say that George W Bush should get the credit for the Osama kill. They state it was "enhanced interrogation techniques’( torture) during the Bush administration that led to the Intel. The old crew was out in full force last week, Cheney, Rice, Rove and Rumsfeld claiming credit for Bush. Saying that George W should be credited along with the President, is like saying Shaq should be credited with helping Kobe win the championship last year.

I told you two weeks ago, politicians will try and use wedge issues to avoid real issues. Since the tactic of trying to diminish the President's accomplishment for killing Osama is not working, they are now trying to make a non issue into an issue. Sarah "I can see Russia from my porch" Palin and Faux News are trying to say that Common is a 'vile' rapper due to "controversial lyrics" from a poem he did. Common was invited to a White House Poetry event by the first lady. What makes this funny, well not even funny but sad, is last year, Fox News had a different take on Common. In an October 2010 report for FoxNews.com, reporter Jason Robinson interviewed Common and told him, "Your music is very positive. And you're known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?" Now how did he go from being a conscious rapper to "vile"? I'll tell you how, the Right has been on a bit of a losing streak lately, from the failed attempt to cut Medicare to Obama's triumphs, They could not find a wedge issue so they created one .What better issue than using a black man who used the word gun in a poem.

Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds, I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
I went right home and I went to bed I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head.

Johnny Cash "Cocaine Blues" Honored at the White House in 2002 by George W Bush.

I am not saying anything against Johnny Cash, but there wasn't a peep about lyrical content by anyone, on The Right or Left. You have to understand what is going on right now, this isn't even about Common or lyrics. Obama is winning right now. The more energy we expend talking about this non controversy, the more time we waste not talking about pertinent issues. The Right doesn't have any new ideas, solutions or clues on what the hell they are going to do in 2012. This is the new talking point, rather the old talking point with a new face on it. Common is now supposed to be Bill Ayers and Rev Wright 2.0. They are using the rallying cry from 2008, "Who does Obama pal around with?" to “Misogynistic rapper Obama pals around with”. It didn't work then, and it shouldn't work now. We can't fall for the Okie doke. Start asking them what their plans are for the economy, the price of gas and unemployment. Instead of focusing on Common, they need to focus on a common solution to fix these problems. In 2012 when you go to vote make sure you know the person's position , their platform and you agree with it. Remember each one teach one

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