Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome to the Terrordome !!!

The President had a phenomenal weekend. Saturday at the White House correspondence dinner, the President was in the same room as Donald Trump for the first time since the birther issue.Obama came out slinging one liners like he was Chris Rock.He proceeded to tell The Donald “Now that his birth was no longer an issue, Trump can now move on to more pressing matters like 'Did we fake the moon landing, what happened at Roswell and where are Biggie and Tupac "? The room erupted in laughter, and so did I. After Obama finished skewering Sir Combover, Seth Meyers of SNL took the podium and also poked fun at Trump, MSNBC and the President himself. One telling moment was when Meyers was poking fun at C-Span's viewership or lack thereof and said "Osama Bin Laden hosts a daytime show on the network". Pretty funny stuff to be sure, but unbeknownst to anyone outside the Presidents inner circle, the day before the dinner, President Obama gave the order to Seal Team 6 to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden; Code name Geronimo. Bin Laden had apparently been living in Pakistan for the past 6 years... Yes Pakistan, one of our "allies" in the War on Terror, whom we give billions in aid every year. They have been adamant in recent years that Bin Laden was not hiding out there. They were correct, he was not hiding at all, he was in plain sight, in a million dollar compound. His house was 8 times larger than any other house in the neighborhood, of retired Pakistani military officials. CIA Chief Leon Panetta was quoted saying " either they knew he was there, or they are inept, neither of which is a good place to be"

Sunday night the President announced that Osama Bin Laden was dead. He had been killed in a firefight, in Abbottabad Pakistan . The catalyst for 9/11 was finally dead. I always thought of Bin Laden as the Boogeyman. I remember as a child I was scared of the darkness under my bed. I would turn off my bedroom light ,run and jump in the bed before whatever was under there could grab my leg and pull me under. I got older and realized there was no Boogeyman under the bed; there were far worse Boogeymen in the world. The irrational fear receded in my mind,as I became preoccupied with puberty and girls . Bin Laden was the same, the elusive Boogeyman under all of our beds, who receded from our consciousness as we dealt with other issues. The price of gas, two wars, rising unemployment,home foreclosures and wall street bailouts were on our minds. Bin Laden would emerge in our thoughts sporadically over the years like a whisper. Whenever we took a flight and had to give up that full size shampoo, he was there. Whenever we had to take our shoes off and be groped intimately, by a sweaty guy who didn't buy us dinner before or after the grope, Bin Laden was there. He was like smoke, an irritant until we got to our destination. The President, with a plethora of domestic and foreign issues to deal with, never wavered. He kept the Boogeyman in his crosshairs.

The President kept a promise he made in 2008 in a televised debate with John McCain. He said “If we have Osama Bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to act, we will take him out “. He did just that, with no hesitation. He acted Presidential ,he weighed the options, made his choice and stuck with it. Where do we go from here? People are already clamoring to see the pictures of Osama dead. The White House has said it will not release the photos. I agree wholeheartedly, there is no reason to release them. People who don’t believe Osama is dead will not be swayed by a photograph. ”It’s doctored”, It’s a fake” etc will still be proclaimed, by the conspiracy minded. As I said, where do we go from here? We continue to live our lives. We celebrate this victory and move on. Whether you cheered ,danced in the streets or just did a small fist pump as I did, we savor the moment. We live in an imperfect America, but it's our America! On Sunday night no matter what your race, religion or political affiliation,you were proud of the President. You were proud of what was accomplished. The euphoria is dwindling and party politics are back in play,but for a few days we stood united, and genuinely happy that The Boogeyman was banished under the bed for good. Evil is still out there, and always will be. so remember 1Peter 5:8 "Be sober-minded; be watchful Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." Well Done Mr President.

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