Thursday, July 21, 2011

Shoot to kill

San Francisco police are saying a man they thought was fatally shot by officers, actually killed himself.Police thought Kenneth Harding was shot by an officer Saturday while trying to run away from a ticket violation. Thursday, authorities said they found evidence that the fatal wound on Mr. Harding was self-inflicted, .Commander Mike Bie. revealed the new theory at a news conference at the city's medical examiner's office.Kenneth Harding died Saturday after a confrontation with undercover officers .Police say when he was approached by the officer who wanted to see his ticket, Harding ran and police pursued him. During the chase, a gunbattle started and Harding was fatally wounded,Initially, authorities believed that San Francisco police shot and killed Harding during the confrontation in the city' Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood.The shooting triggered angry protests by community members, who challenged the police version of what happened.Hmm a new version,new gun , new self inflicted wound.

The medical examiner stated."The bullet which was recovered from his head is not consistent with the service ammunition used by the San Francisco Police Department," Chief Medical Examiner Amy Hart told reporters.She demonstrated her point with a photo of the bullet removed from Harding's head.It was a .380-caliber and San Francisco Police are armed with .40-caliber ammunition, Hart said Medical examiner's staff also found a second, unfired cartridge (.380-caliber) in Harding's right jacket pocket. Harding was also wounded in the leg by a round apparently fired by pursuing officers....maybe he shot himself in the leg while running .I mean he did have bullets in his pockets, but no gun ? Maybe it was the shooter on the grassy knoll,or Professor Plum in the library?

The Police Department believes that the weapon used by Harding is missing along with a cell phone and casings.When the shooting occurred, a crowd gathered challenging officers. According to police "Based upon evidence known at this time including: officer and witness statements that Harding shot at the police officers, Shot Spotter data, video tape evidence that depicts a firearm at the scene that was subsequently taken and the location of gunshot residue on Harding's right hand, it appears that Mr. Harding's head wound was self-inflicted. It is unknown if Harding's injury was intentional or accidental." check the video below and tell me what you think. I said not too long ago we are Public Enemy#1!


Yaya said...

That's SO suspect...thanks for following up on this.

Bstinga's Logic said...

On point as usual.

brooksgrl1 said...

I have watched the video twice and I am left with many questions. Supposedly the gun (previously "missing" along with other key evidence) has now been recovered. The claim is it was removed from the scene while the police tended to the victim. Hmmm... I will continue to follow this story. Thank you for sharing.